The slogan of the Journal Arti dello Spettacolo/Performing Arts is the following Wassily Kandinsky’s sentence written in an article in 1920:

It’s not possible to doubt that we are on the threshold of the day when the terms East and West can add the adjective far away, so that, extending more and more, East and West can joint together  and the international art will embrace all the Earth and will stand as one\ with the union and interaction of all human beings.

Wassily Kandinsky, 1920

Hельзя сомневаться в том, что мы  ̶  в преддверии того времени, когда к Западу и Востоку будет прибавлено прилагательное дальний, когда, разливаясь далее, Запад и Восток сойдутся в одном пункте и международное единение художественных сил опояшет земной шар и достигнет высоты общечеловеческого единения.

Василий Кандинский, 1920

Non è possibile dubitare che siamo alle soglie del giorno in cui ai termini Oriente e Occidente si potrà aggiungere lontano, sì che, estendendosi sempre più, Oriente e Occidente si ricongiungano in un punto e l’unione internazionale dell’arte abbraccerà l’intero globo terrestre e sarà una cosa sola con l’unione di tutti gli esseri umani.

Vasilij Kandiskij, 1920

Breaking down barriers among nations and different cultures is possible today.
We must cooperate, share know-how, expertise and research data.
Open Science is the way to reach this goal.  
Open Science is the challenge of this Scientific Journal.